Sunday 8 September 2013

Get Various Effects by Use Embossing Powders

The embossing technique is a great way to make your craft stand out from the rest. It is a popular technique used in card making and scrapbooking crafts. It gives a raised and glittery look which is ideal for getting a 3D look.  Embossing is regarded as the most versatile technique and there are many techniques to get unique look in the craft.

The basic heating is the most common of all techniques. In this method the stamps are inked and are firmly pressed into the paper. Then the embossing dusts are sprinkled which are later melted by the heat gun to get the raised effect. The over embossing method is done to get a very glossy look in the craft which can really make it wonderful. As usual a design is imprinted on the paper using ink and stamps. Then clear enamel Embossing Powders is used which is heated from underneath the paper. As it gets completely melted the process repeated for several times until a shiny and smooth texture comes out.

Many card makers are seen to love the rainbow embossing technique as it gives a very colorful and vibrant look to the craft. The design is imprinted in the same process, only the ink is kept wet as many colors used in this method. Different colors of embossing powders are used which on heating gets the rainbow effect.

Now embossing the edges of the cards is a new trend among card makers. The edges are inked with a small pad and then are embossed in the usual manner. This will give a totally different look to the card.

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